SIOR Pulse Blog

Manufacturing and Industrial: The Impacts and Ideas for Future Planning

Written by Alexis Fermanis | May 31, 2020 2:00:00 PM


The full article was originally published as an SIOR Thought Leadership piece.

As we work through our new normal amidst this global pandemic, we have been forced to reconsider how we operate our businesses and daily lives. Any changes have ripple effects across our communities and local economies. Change is needed to survive, and so we adapt.

Crisis is the ultimate disruptor, change facilitator, and accelerant. Companies that were perhaps reluctant to embrace changes are now obligated to prepare and deliver new services. Innovations become abundant and creativity thrives. Areas like AI, Automation, IoT, and PropTech are technologies we can’t ignore as we also explore a pandemic response strategy.

Recently CoreNet Global began its own processes of facilitating innovative change in the commercial real estate industry. The CoreNet Global Hackathon: A COVID-19 Virtual Ideation Experience was developed to provide an opportunity for peers to collaborate and ideate to develop solutions that not only address the immediate crisis, but help establish long-term success for businesses, clients, and communities. Contingency planning and risk mitigation are crucial. By its very definition a hackathon brings together individuals to collectively develop solutions to problems for short and long-term goals, which is why CoreNet developed several areas to focus on, including: Space Utilization & Metrics, Distributed Work, Workplace Wellbeing, The Autonomous Workplace, Environmental & Climate Change, and Manufacturing & Industrial.

SIOR’s participation in the hackathon focused on the latter: Manufacturing and Industrial, something our members know quite a bit about.

To tackle the challenges poised in this area, two SIOR members—SIOR Global’s President-Elect Patrick Sentner, SIOR, and Amy Broadhurst, SIOR, both of CBRE in Pittsburgh, PA—collaborated to answer some critical questions impacting the manufacturing and industrial space.

To read the full SIOR Thought Leadership piece, click here.