About six months ago, I volunteered to write a blog entitled “Is the Typical 9-to-5 Gone.” I figured I could write about how when I first started in this[..]
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Gary Joel Schacker, SIOR

Industrial Specialist
Principal, United Realty
Phone: 631.421.1000
Additional Website: www.cibs-li.com
View the complete SIOR profile| gschacker@unitedrealtyinc.com
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Multistory E-Commerce Buildings in Long Island Becoming a Reality
In the last 10 years, the millennial generation proffered a preference for urban environments, so the trend stared reversing back to Long Island. The[..]
Are Commercial and Industrial Properties Ready for Fuel Cells?
Recently Home Depot announced that they were installing fuel cells in up to 10 of their Long Island locations. The fuel cells which power up to 90% of a[..]