
The Electrification of Everything and What it Means for Commercial Real Estate


The 5 Ways Top CRE Brokers are Leveling Up

The following article is sponsored by Moody's, republished with permission from moodyscre.com.

In a time when deals are sparse, some top performing CRE[..]


Top Investing Strategies for Commercial Real Estate Success

Investing strategies in commercial real estate can lead to great rewards, but it takes a smart approach to get the best returns. Successful property[..]


So What Do Developers Do Now…?

The following article is sponsored by Panattoni Development Company.

It is hard to argue that the industrial real estate market from approximately the[..]


The Power Shift: How Data Centers Are Transforming Commercial Real Estate

The surge in data centers, driven by AI and cloud computing growth, has altered the landscape of commercial real estate (CRE) site selection. While[..]


What’s Next for the Manufacturing ‘Supercycle’?

The North American industrial manufacturing sector faces a dynamic landscape of challenges and opportunities. Globalization is shifting, with companies[..]


Fall Forecast: Interest Rates, Election to Impact Office, Industrial Markets

As Labor Day fades, the focus remains on high interest rates and their impact on the U.S. and Canadian commercial real estate (CRE) sectors. While the[..]


Is it Distress or Stress? Rethinking Troubled Commercial Real Estate Assets

We’ve all been waiting for the wave of distressed assets to hit the commercial real estate market. Despite distress levels rising steadily since 2022, a[..]


Industrial Development: What's Working, What's Not; Exploring the Impact of Robotics and AI in the Industrial Sector

Before the end of the next 10-year lease term ends, the industrial world as we know it will be forever different. The rapid advancement and adoption of[..]


NAI Global President & CEO Jay Olshonsky, SIOR, Shines a Light on the Trends and Future of Global Commercial Real Estate

The following article is sponsored by NAI Global.

NAI Global’s President and CEO Jay Olshonsky, SIOR, FRICS, CCIM, is seeing rays of sunlight peeking[..]

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