There’s something that’s dramatically changed about social media in the past six months: old folks are now all over it—using social media for researching[..]
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John Culbertson, SIOR, CRE, CCIM

Managing Partner, Cardinal Partners
Phone: (704) 953.5500
View the complete SIOR profile|
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Lease Negotiations: Leave the Gloves Off and Come Together
When preparing for lease negotiations, leave the gloves at home, roll up your sleeves, and take the positive offense approach. Consider the following[..]
Hiring a broker? Experts Say This is Where the Smart Real Estate Decision Begins
In the hit movie Moneyball, Brad Pitt’s character challenges the collected wisdom of traditional players, managers, coaches, and scouts in the front[..]
Taking the Fast Track with Commercial Lease Transactions
Too often do true opportunities for great landlord/tenant relations get lost in lease negotiations. However, if all parties work together to “fast track”[..]
Having Your Cake and Eating it Too - Achieving the Delicate Balance in Negotiations
We live in a world where we are not only told it’s impossible to have our cake and eat it too, but that there’s even something wrong with trying. This[..]