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Seek Rent Relief if Your Business Really Needs It
advice from the CRE brokerage community
This article originally appeared in the Denver Business Journal | May 1, 2020
When first asked to write an article for SIOR, we planned to look at the UK industrial market post 31 January 2020—the day that Britain left the EU. What[..]
2019 Winter Edition of the SIOR Report Now Available!
SIOR’s dynamic and exciting quarterly magazine addresses the concerns facing industrial and office real estate practitioners and the hot topics everyone's[..]
10 Pieces of Advice from Top CRE Pros
In my 10 years of being an advisor in commercial real estate, I’ve found that one of the keys to success—particularly for a young professional—has been to[..]
2019 Fall Edition of the SIOR Report Now Available!
SIOR’s dynamic and excited quarterly magazine addresses the concerns facing industrial and office real estate practitioners and the hot topics everyone's[..]
As Industrial Booms, Local Brokers Become Global Consultants
When he first entered the world of industrial brokerages 33 years ago, Mark Duclos’ responsibilities were fairly straightforward.
Portland Developers Face New Land Challenges Going Into 2020
As the first half of 2019 flows into the record books, Portland is experiencing another year of significant speculative industrial development. Just under[..]
Dallas-Fort Worth Market Continues to Perform, With Positive Outlook for Remainder of 2019
The Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex real estate market continues to tighten, and July marked the 111th month of positive employment growth with over 260 jobs[..]