
Using Social Media to Build Relationships and Market Presence in the Digital Age

Industry conferences offer attendees a unique opportunity to network with colleagues from across the globe, share insights and strategies for success,[..]


Office Redefined: Ledger & Community-Driven Workplace Design

As the commercial real estate landscape changes, SIOR members persist at the forefront, navigating future trends and seizing new opportunities. Recently,[..]


With AI and ChatGPT, Best Not to Wait on this Technology

NAI Global: SIOR Corporate Brokerage Partner

“This time it’s different,” were the words about artificial intelligence and particularly, OpenAI’s new[..]


Are you Ready to Use chatGPT in Your CRE Business?

If you haven’t yet heard, there is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) tool that has been taking the internet by storm called chatGPT. It has been used for[..]


Remote Possibilities

The Future of Virtual Meeting Software

Mark Duclos, SIOR, the president of Sentry Commercial in Hartford, Conn., served an unusual term as SIOR Global’s[..]


SIOR Global & REACH Commercial: PropTech in Focus

Digital forces have been transforming the world for some time now, and the past two years have only expedited our technological dependency. Everything now[..]


Commercial Brokerage: The Next PropTech Frontier

The entire notion of transactional commercial real estate is evolving. The commercial brokerage industry has a longstanding reputation as a technology[..]


Why Tech Isn't Replacing Your Real Estate Broker Any Time Soon

Republished with permission from Rthornburgh.com


Creative Strategies for Marketing Office Subleases

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused many companies to view their office space as an albatross. Some have tried to break or alter their leases, while others[..]


Venture Capital & The Hottest Trends in Life Science Technology

In partnership with NAR REACH, the SIOR Tech Vision Series will unlock the driving forces and emerging trends impacting our industry. We will look into[..]

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