
How to Select a Commercial Real Estate Broker

In my 34 years of practicing commercial real estate, there have been countless discussions about how to select a commercial real estate broker. Many[..]


SIOR Launches New Community Website to Enhance Networking & Collaboration

SIOR has launched a newly revamped member community site, designed to enhance online collaboration and networking among its membership. The site was[..]


How the Government Shutdown May Affect You

As a commercial real estate broker specializing in working with tenants and users in Washington, DC, I have been following the government shutdown[..]


SIOR Professional Report Fall Edition (Digital) Now Available

In this fall edition of the SIOR Professional Report, find out how SIORs are preparing for future natural disasters; learn how a blockbuster movie created[..]


Advanced Social Media Strategies for CRE Professionals

So you've had a few different social media (SM) profiles online for a while now with spotty results...if any results at all. You try to monitor these[..]

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