
A Pathway to Empowering Future CRE Leaders

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”

Ralph Waldo Emerson clearly understood what many esteemed members of the[..]


Navigating the CRE Landscape: One Organization is Transforming its Approach

Republished with permission from connectcre.com.

Sweeping changes have spread across the globe in unprecedented waves over the last four years, and the[..]


SIORs on the Present and Future for Office and Industrial

Office and industrial—two commercial real estate sectors with very different circumstances currently, yet both operating in the same uncertain economy. We[..]


Climbing to Success in Commercial Real Estate

The first step of any endeavor is often the hardest one to take.


Tech Innovations Drive Commercial Real Estate Ahead

The commercial real estate industry is undergoing a technological revolution, with numerous innovations reshaping how properties are bought, sold, and[..]


SIORs Guide Office Owners, Tenants, Sellers, and Investors Through a Pivotal Time

Republished with permission from connectcre.com.

To say that the office sector is facing a period of transition is an understatement. Fortunately for all[..]


SIORs on Industrial’s Challenges: Costs and Availabilities

Republished with permission from connectcre.com.

For both industrial real estate owners and tenants, managing costs is top of mind in the current market,[..]


Adaptive Reuse Trends in CRE: What Investors Need to Know

Adaptive reuse in commercial real estate is the process of transforming existing buildings or property types into new properties, often to meet increased[..]


The Path to Success: Empowering Women Leaders in Commercial Real Estate

This Saturday, August 26th, marks Women’s Equality Day. On this monumental date in 1920, U.S. Secretary of State Bainbridge Colby signed the integral[..]


Recruiting Talent Always Starts with Retention

Republished with permission from robthornburgh.com.

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