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Mentorship Key to Development for Young CRE Professionals
Written by Robert Thornburgh, SIOR, and Reprinted with Permission from YEP Global.
Connect Media Q&A with SIOR CEO Robert Thornburgh: “Standing Still is Never a Successful Strategy”
Written by Paul Bubny and Republished with Permission From Connect Media
Working with Buyers of Storm-Damaged Properties
Despite some of the economic turmoil that has resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic, the private, residential real estate market has been relatively steady.[..]
The Pandemic Pivot
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a threat like no other in our lifetimes with over 22 million people infected, millions more unemployed, and draconian[..]
Unoccupied Buildings: COVID’S Impact on Office Tenants & Usage of Their Buildings
Avoiding risks when determining lease operating expenses during COVID times
Despite office buildings being open for business, they remain significantly[..]
COVID-19 Lease Negotiations
COVID-19 Lease Negotiations: Many landlords and tenants are struggling with the impact of COVID-19-related closures and[..]
5 Ways CRE Brokers Can Stand Out in Today’s Sea of Competition
In Commercial Real Estate, we are not selling a “product” so to speak. It is our intellectual capital, our knowledge of the process, our related[..]
5 Creative Ways to Virtually Network
You can almost hear the collective sigh when another Zoom invitation is sent. The fatigue is real, and it’s understandable. While it’s wonderful that[..]
Managing Commercial Property User & Owner Expectations in the Coronavirus Age
As we continue to adjust to life in the “new abnormal” brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, it has become abundantly clear that commercial real estate[..]