The Society of Industrial and Office Realtors® (SIOR) represents the world’s elite in industrial and office brokerage. SIORs are held to the highest standard by completing thorough requirements and adhering to the SIOR Code of Ethics. SIOR is more than a designation, it’s a symbol of excellence. SIORs value the power that comes with building relationships and sharing ideas that are on the leading edge of the industry. They are the most knowledgeable, experienced, ethical, and successful commercial real estate brokerage specialists. For more information, visit

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How Will Suburbs Compete with Live/Work/Play Amenities?

The era of “The Suburbs” is upon us. The rising home prices around suburban areas and the greater interest that investors and developers are showing in[..]


2018 Winter Edition of the SIOR Report Now Available!

SIOR’s dynamic quarterly magazine addresses the concerns of industrial and office real estate practitioners. Articles by industry experts focus on topics[..]


5 Markets Where the Industrial Sector Is Hot Right Now

Current trends in the commercial real estate space show that the industrial sector continues to outpace other sectors of the industry. The sector is[..]


Southwest Florida’s Industrial Real Estate Market Catching the Eye of Investors

More out-of-state commercial real estate investors are taking note of the Southwest Florida area, and the industrial real estate market in Fort Myers and[..]


3 Negotiation Lessons We Can Learn from Today’s Top Entrepreneurs

For almost four months back in 2004 and 2005, the NHL came to a standstill as league owners called a lockout. It ultimately required an outside, neutral[..]


Fall 2018 Edition of the SIOR Report is Now Available!

SIOR’s dynamic quarterly magazine addresses the concerns of industrial and office real estate practitioners. Articles by industry experts focus on topics[..]


5 Ways Agents Can Improve Online First Impressions

If a potential client Googled you or your company, what would they find? Your web presence has a tremendous impact on your overall reputation in the[..]


SIOR Welcomes New Chief Executive Officer

SIOR is pleased to introduce its new CEO Thomas E. McCormick, SIOR, FRICS. Tom comes to SIOR with 37 years of commercial real estate experience and has[..]


What Will Happen to Toys "R" Us Stores? 5 Examples of Repurposed CRE Done Right

Since the majority of Toys "R" Us stores are located in three prime locations (Florida, California, and the Northeast), many experts believe that the 700+[..]


5 Generational Workplace Trends and How They Impact the Office Sector

Conventional wisdom says that when five different generations are working side-by-side (the first time that has ever happened in the U.S.), generational[..]

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