
Navigating Navigation Systems

Factory installed navigation systems are perhaps the most overpriced and underutilized options offered on the luxury car models most of us brokers drive,[..]


This is Why Transit-Oriented Real Estate is Hot

It’s no surprise that transit-oriented development is sweeping the country. Everyone hates traffic, after all. When you consider that the average American[..]


Fort Monmouth Meets High Tech

In late June, I attended a symposium on the redevelopment of Fort Monmouth which is located in Monmouth County, NJ along the northern ‘Jersey Shore.’ Fort[..]


A Tenant’s Market Has Developed in Kansas City

The Kansas City industrial property market has long been recognized as a key Midwestern logistics hub due to its centralized proximity within the United[..]


4 Markets Where the Office Sector is Heating Up

It looks like 2017 is an interesting year in commercial real estate, especially with regards to workspaces. For some time now, the growing popularity of[..]


5 Trends Set to Impact CRE in 2017

The commercial real estate sector, like the economy as a whole, can be quite fickle. Unexpected changes can have a massive impact on the market. If 2016[..]


Dotzour Delivers Positive Economic Outlook

While the 2017 SIOR Spring World Conference featured a number of outstanding sessions that ranged from educational to uplifting, perhaps no program[..]


SIOR Celebrates its First Annual Global Service Day

SIOR celebrated its first annual global Service Day on Monday, May 8th. In recognition of the organization’s inaugural event, members from New York to[..]


3 Factors Driving the Central Florida Office and Industrial Markets

Finishing 2016 on a strong note, the Central Florida office and industrial markets entered 2017 more robust and thriving than ever. Although external[..]


3 Ways E-Commerce is Impacting Site Selection

Online sales are quickly outpacing in-store sales, largely due to online retailers’ ability to offer a wider variety of inventory and speedy delivery[..]

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