
Summer 2018 SIOR Report Now Available

SIOR’s dynamic quarterly magazine addresses the concerns of industrial and office real estate practitioners. Articles by industry experts focus on topics[..]


Employment and Trade Gains Boost Commercial Real Estate Activity in SIOR Markets

Click here to download the historical index


San Diego Hosts First Annual Developers Dinner

On March 22, the SIOR San Diego Chapter hosted its First Annual Developers Dinner. San Diego, recognized as a growing market for commercial real estate[..]


Celebrating Second Annual Service Day

Each year on May 8th, we encourage our chapters and members to volunteer their time and/or resources and give back to their communities as part of SIOR[..]


One Idea on How Blockchain & Smart Contracts Can Disrupt Real Estate in the Future

The new buzzword “Blockchain,” and what is means to Web 3.0, is fascinating. With the rise of crypto-currencies, the world is watching how its[..]


Multiple Generations and The Future of Office Space

What does the changing of the guard within America’s workforce mean for the office market? Firstly, the retirement of the largest generation in history –[..]


Tech Cities vs. Non-Tech Cities: How Multifamily is Faring

Since its beginnings, the tech industry has been concentrated on the West Coast in Silicon Valley. That status has held through the '90s and up until the[..]


Dotzour Sees ‘Clear Sailing Ahead’ in Economic Forecast

Austin, TX – The U.S. economy is in the midst of its second longest expansion in history – 106 months and counting – but for the CRE industry, that[..]


5 Technologies Changing the Industrial Real Estate Landscape

Without question, technology has been changing the industrial real estate landscape for years. At the same time, the CRE industry has been slow to adapt[..]


New Spring Edition of SIOR Report Now Available

SIOR’s dynamic quarterly magazine addresses the concerns of industrial and office real estate practitioners. Articles by industry experts focus on topics[..]