For almost four months back in 2004 and 2005, the NHL came to a standstill as league owners called a lockout. It ultimately required an outside, neutral[..]
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5 Ways Agents Can Improve Online First Impressions
If a potential client Googled you or your company, what would they find? Your web presence has a tremendous impact on your overall reputation in the[..]
The Evolution of the Conference Call
For most, the days of faxing a contract are long gone. Technology has continued to streamline the way brokers run business, increasing efficiency.[..]
5 Things Top CRE Brokers Do Every Day
It’s no secret that commercial real estate is a competitive business. Brokers must be willing to work hard if they want to succeed, and even then there[..]
3 Reasons Why Developers Should Form Partnerships with Local Municipalities
PwC reported that 2017 ended with approximately $100 billion worth of infrastructure improvement deals, valuing more than $22 billion. As absorption rates[..]
San Diego Hosts First Annual Developers Dinner
On March 22, the SIOR San Diego Chapter hosted its First Annual Developers Dinner. San Diego, recognized as a growing market for commercial real estate[..]
One Idea on How Blockchain & Smart Contracts Can Disrupt Real Estate in the Future
The new buzzword “Blockchain,” and what is means to Web 3.0, is fascinating. With the rise of crypto-currencies, the world is watching how its[..]
Multiple Generations and The Future of Office Space
What does the changing of the guard within America’s workforce mean for the office market? Firstly, the retirement of the largest generation in history –[..]
8 Things To Immediately Do When Your Property Has Zoning Code Violations
With over 4,000 known blighted properties in New Orleans, and probably an additional 10,000 not yet declared blighted, city officials have recently[..]
Market Research for Commercial Real Estate Brokers in Tertiary Markets
Brokers in large markets typically do not need to create their own market research. Either they are part of sizeable companies that do the research for[..]